There has been a substantial spike in Covid-19 cases. Please remember that the Sunday Mass obligation is temporarily suspended for everyone. While I am permitting our parishes to have Masses this weekend I nevertheless encourage everyone to consider remaining at home and joining with the Church in prayer through technology. For those who wish to attend a Mass in person, face masks are mandatory. I especially urge those who are classified in the CDC Guidelines as vulnerable to remain at home and let the Church come to you. Hopefully our fast from full Church participation will soon come to a close. The Church loves you and only wants you to be safe and well.
Also, if your personal financial situation has not been harmed then please keep up your generous support of your parish. Keeping utilities paid and providing for our employees and ministers is crucial.
Your devotion to Christ and His Church moves me deeply. Know that the people of the Diocese are daily in my prayers.
Statement of Bishop Edward Weisenburger on the Killing of Mr. George Floyd
I join with Bishops across our Nation in denouncing racism and the violence it engenders.
The killing of Mr. George Floyd is an image that remains deeply etched in the minds of all Americans. I pray that this horrific image will lead to our reexamination of the lingering presence of racism in our culture and become a call to action for all of us to work for deep and lasting change.
I have prayed at Mass for Mr. Floyd by name. It is my prayer that God will raise him up to eternal life, even as God raises up a host of voices that cry out for justice and dignity for every human being and an end to violence in our communities.
+Edward J. Weisenburger, Bishop of Tucson
June 20, 2020
On the
Diocese of Tucson web site you will find a statement of the USCCB's leadership on the death of Mr. George Floyd as well as a video message from Bishop Shelton Fabre, representing the U.S. Bishops as the Chairman of the ad hoc committee on racism.
The Diocese of Tucson is entering Phase I of reopening the parishes, and we have guidelines from the Diocese of Tucson to implement Phase I. Please be mindful these guidelines are designed for the well-being of all us during this pandemic.
[read full statement]
Bishop Edward Weisenburger has implemented gradual reopening of parishes for public worship
After consultation with numerous persons in leadership roles in the Tucson Diocese, along with attention given to the medical and scientific community, Bishop Edward Weisenburger released a gradual plan to reopen parishes for worship.
[Click to read more]
Due to pandemic-related unemployment, the Tucson metro area is experiencing a tremendous need for food. We have a lot of hungry people, and they deserve our help. As Jesus reminds us in the Scriptures “what you do for the least among you, you do for me.” Now is the time for those whose financial situation has not been greatly impacted by the pandemic to come together to feed the hungry Christ in our midst.
Catholic Community Services and the Diocese of Tucson is partnering with seven Tucson area parishes for a critical food drive next week, Monday May 11th through Saturday May 16th. Non-perishable food items will be dropped off at the church. Those receiving the food donations will be using gloves and masks and donors will not be permitted to exit their cars. Please note that different parishes throughout the Diocese of Tucson will be open on different days of the week and only during the morning hours (7:00 a.m. – 11:00 A.M.).
Those unable to purchase food or drop it off may make an on-line donation to Catholic Community Services at and others will do the shopping and deliver for you! For a list of parish drop-off sites, the schedule for which days they will be open next week, and the kinds of non-perishable food most needed, please see the flier on the front page of the Diocese of Tucson web site. The need is critical. I humbly ask you to respond generously. And please remember, it is Christ we are serving.
Please be aware that scammers have created email accounts that looks like it belongs to our Clergy, Principal and maybe even others associated with SEAS. Recently they have started sending text messages making these claims as well. The scammers are asking people to buy gift cards so that they may be given to people in the hospital (or similar scenario). No one associated with SEAS Parish or School would ever ask you to buy anything like this over an email or text message.
The following statement from Bishop Weisenburger will be announced at this weekend’s Masses. Please pay attention to specific instructions being adopted by our parish community.
Click title to read story.
As Advent is a season not only of preparation, but also of repentance, penance and renewal, SEAS will offer a Communal Penance Service on Thursday, December 5th at 6pm.
Please join our Women's Ministry, REAL Women of SEAS, for For their 3rd Annual Golf Tournament, Bunco tournament, and Kidzone Family Fun Day! Your Registration/Participation Is Appreciated... Not only you have a great time, but you can also feel good knowing that your participation directly helps REAL Women of SEAS raise enough money to provide a quality speaker and financial scholarships to their annual Women's Retreat. The fun happens on Saturday, August 24, 2019 so apply today!
April 18 - 20 - Morning Prayer 9am
Holy Thursday April 18 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Good Friday April 19 7pm Memorial of the Lord’s Passion
Easter Vigil April 20 7pm
One of the ways to prepare yourself for the gift of Christ and to prepare for the Easter Season is through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Several priests will be available to hear your confessions.